The Most Unbreakable Security for Critical Systems
Application Control is the strongest security possible for data centres and critical systems allowing server admins to consolidate agents. Using a ‘Default Deny’ approach, Application Control reduces your attack surface and reduces downtime by automating approval of trusted software and eliminating the burden of whitelist management.
Fig. Application Control Key Features
Lock down critical systems
The solution combines application control, file integrity, monitoring, device control and memory protection for the strongest system lockdown. This approach stops malware and non-malware attacks by preventing unwanted change. This is effective at stopping all file-based attacks and next-gen attacks that use obfuscated malware, as well as memory-based, and script-based techniques.
Ensure continuous compliance
Organization can enforce the integrity of your deployment configurations, continuously monitor critical-system activity, assess compliance risk and even achieve compliance for end-of-life systems. This helps maintain continuous compliance with numerous regulatory standards and frameworks, such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA/HITECH, SOX, NERC CIP, NIST 800-53, and more
High performance and lowest touch Application Control
The key to effectively locking down systems is the ability to do it easily and at scale. The solution utilizes IT and cloud-driven trust for automatic approvals. Software deployed by IT is automatically approved. Additionally, you have the ability to automatically approve software based on cloud-driven trust. Out-of-the box templates to ease the implementation of heavily-targeted systems such a domain controllers, exchange servers and common application servers.